Which regions does the Free Shipping cover?
It covers the entire 48 contiguous U.S. states.
Do you charge sales tax?
We only charge sales tax on orders shipped to addresses within the state of California.
Is return shipping free?
Yes, return shipping is always free for all Furddy members. Shop On with confidence! If you are not yet a Furddy member, it is free to join here.
Do you provide tracking numbers on orders shipped?
Yes, we only ship via tracked shipping methods so you can be assured on the whereabouts of your pup's new favorites. You can always find the tracking information on the Order Status page.
What should I do if I need an exchange or return?
You can submit a return request via our Return Center. If you have any return related questions prior to submitting a return request, please take a look at our Return Policy. If you still have questions, please fell free to email us at help@furddy.com
Why was my package shipped in used shipping box?
We love our community, our environment, and our planet. In order to contribute our share of the efforts in minimizing environmental impacts, we always try our best to reduce the chances of introducing new packaging waste so we sometimes reuse recycled packaging boxes. So please help us by reusing or recycling all the packaging materials you receive from us!
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